Weed control, pests and diseases

Weed control
Once drilled, all fields should receive a pre-emergent herbicide to combat weeds.
This will also mean post-emergence herbicides have less work to do.
Don’t delay weed control. Once they reach the 2-leaf stage they will start out-competing maize.
Maize is very poor at competing with weeds in its earliest stages of development so this must be avoided.
Pests and diseases
When maize follows grass there can be pest problems such as wire worms, but growers need to be aware that leather jacket and frit-fly sprays are banned after 31 March.
Although maize is a relatively pest-free crop to grow, the removal of these treatments may have an impact in the future.
European corn-borer has been a problem in the South West and eye-spot can also occur in some crops.
Insecticide dressings can be applied at drilling and there is a fungicide dressing to prevent rotting of the newly drilled seed.
These dressings break down after 21 days so there can be a risk where there is slow emergence of seed in cold, wet seed-beds.